Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What color will American Airlines Paint its 787s

Since an airplane’s skin (the covering of the fuselage, wings, etc.) is aluminum, it’s usually polished and unpainted. However, the Boeing 787 is a new-design airplane will have a composite skin, one that doesn't take too well to shiny polishing. So what color will American paint the airplanes?

Would you guess blue? ( … and especially if you read the December 1 blog about car colors ...)

Guess again. The CFO said that American is considering painting them burnt orange. (Did he mean International Safety Orange?)


Monday, December 08, 2008

More holiday shoppers are buying gifts based on color - USA Today

Color Matters! The author of this blog was just quoted in USA Today (December 8, 2008) in the article "More holiday shoppers are buying gifts based on color."

From the article:
In the most economically depressing holiday season in decades, there’s one buzzword — besides cheap — that’s still got game at retail: color.

While in a bleak economy, some companies and consumers are more somber in their choices — but a lot go the other way and embrace color. “People form a personal connection to a product in a color they like,” says Jill Morton, head color consultant at Colorcom. This can be particularly critical, she says, “in times of doom and gloom.”

Source - USA Today - "Gifts in Color"

More information about Colorcom's database about consumer color preferences - The Global Color Survey

Monday, December 01, 2008

Blue is the car color of tomorrow

It’s blue again! It’s the favorite color of people all around the globe and even though we may adore it and wear it, how many people want a "true blue" car?

Automotive paint supplier PPG Industries Inc. issued its annual forecast and predicts that blues (particularly more vibrant, richer, complex blues) will take on a more important role in car styling.

Cars will also see a wider variety of colors - and more complex ones - thanks to advances in paint technology. Since customizable color are now an option with cell phones, kitchen appliances and even washing machines, it’s time for cars to follow suit.

It all depends on the car. I’ll admit to owning an “electric blue” Mini Cooper for three years. It was one of those seductively beautiful colors that people would comment on. Surfers, senior citizens, and Japanese tourists in parking lots, and "thumbs up" from other drivers. Bright blues are ideal for compacts and cute little cars. As for other cars (such as luxury models), not an ocean blue ... perhaps a a deep, dark blue accented by sparkling glass flakes (the color PPG calls "Lights Out") would work.
